This is an ever updating list, and this more of list for myself than to share with people.
I have hardly few of these books and all the information is compiled from fellow learners, industry experts, data scientists.
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How to change Timezone setting for Dbeaver on your Laptop
To change the timezone sitting on your Dbeaver, by default it shows the timestamp in local time
zone and if we want to force UTC or a specific timezone, follow the below steps.
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How to retrieve stored password in Dbeaver
For most of my database connections and day to day sql use, I use a community edition of a sortware Dbeaver. Dbeaver stores all password locally in this file ~/Library/DBeaverData/workspace6/General/.dbeaver/credentials-config.json but encrypts it.
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How to Find a table in Redshift
redshift commands
I wanted to find a table in redshift cluster and was looking for something similar to dba_ or v$ views in oracle to find the table.
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How to remove the license from a Cloudera Cluster
Process to remove license from a cloudera cluster
Recently we wanted to remove license for one of our clusters, and we used the following approach to remove the license from the cluster. We are on CDH 5.11 which is very old and gone out of support.
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