This is an ever updating list, and this more of list for myself than to share with people. I have hardly few of these books and all the information is compiled from fellow learners, industry experts, data scientists.
Maths to prepare
- Essential Math for Data Science - []
Text book
Machine Learning - Mitchell
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, &Tensorflow
Murphy Machine Learning: A probabilistic perspective
Machine Learning and Algorithmic Perspective - Stephen Marsland.
Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms Textbook by Shai Ben-David and Shai Shalev-Shwartz (Math heavy).
Pattern Recognition and ML by Bishop (Math heavy).
Decision Making Under Uncertainty (Used in Stanford 228).
Algorithms for Decision Making - Kochenderfer, Wheeler, Wray (Text currently used for Stanford 228).
Other curated list: