Hadoop clusters, or for that matter, any cluster which perform data processing does put a lot of pressure on the network infrastructure. So we need to understand and monitor and tune the network performance of the nodes of the cluster.
In this blog I am sharing the shell scripts used to monitor the packet drops at the network interphase on all the nodes of the cluster
This script uses pssh
tool to ssh to all the host, hence it is needed to have pssh installed, passwordless ssh setup from master node to all nodes and list of all nodes present at ‘/root/administration/hosts/server_list’
export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
mkdir -p ${network_stats_dir}
rm -f ${network_stats_dir}/network_data_previous
cp ${network_stats_dir}/network_data_current ${network_stats_dir}/network_data_previous
network_interface=$(/sbin/route | grep "^default" | grep -o "[^ ]*$")
if [[ "${network_interface}" == *"eth"* ]]; then
# For eth* network interfaces
pssh -h /root/administration/hosts/server_list -i 'hostname; echo "interface `/sbin/route | grep "^default" | grep -o "[^ ]*$"`"; ifconfig `route | grep "^default" | grep -o "[^ ]*$"` | head -6 | grep RX' | grep -v SUCCESS | awk -F" " '{if($1 ~ "domain") a=$1; if($1 ~ "interface") b=$2; if($2 ~ "packets") print a":"b":"$2":"$3":"$4":"$6}' | sort -t : -k 1,1 > ${network_stats_dir}/network_data_current
# For enp* network interfaces
pssh -h /root/administration/hosts/server_list -i 'hostname; echo "interface `/sbin/route | grep "^default" | grep -o "[^ ]*$"`"; ifconfig `route | grep "^default" | grep -o "[^ ]*$"` | head -7 | grep RX' | grep -v SUCCESS | awk -F" " '{if($1 ~ "domain") a=$1; if($1 ~ "interface") b=$2; if($2 ~ "packets"){c=$2;d=$3;}; if($2 ~ "errors") print a":"b":"c":"d":"$2":"$3":"$4":"$5":"$8":"$9}' | sort -t : -k 1,1 > ${network_stats_dir}/network_data_current
awk -F":" 'NR==FNR {g[$1] = $4;h[$1] = $6;i[$1] = $8;j[$1] = $10;next} {print $1":"$2":"$3":"g[$1]":"$4":"$5":"h[$1]":"$6":"$7":"i[$1]":"$8":"$9":"j[$1]":"$10}' ${network_stats_dir}/network_data_previous ${network_stats_dir}/network_data_current | awk -F":" '{ $15 = $5 - $4; $16 = $8 - $7; $17 = $11 - $10; $18 = $14 - $13 } {if($16 != 0 || $17 != 0 || $18 != 0) print $1"||"$2"||"$3":"$15"||"$6":"$16"||"$9":"$17"||"$12":"$18}' > ${network_stats_dir}/network_data
echo "" > ${network_stats_dir}/email_body
if [[ -s ${network_stats_dir}/network_data ]]; then
email_subject="BAD | ${cluster_name} | Network Stats | $(date +%m:%d:%Y:%H:%M)"
echo "Network packet errors/drops/frames observed on the below servers:" >> ${network_stats_dir}/email_body
echo "" >> ${network_stats_dir}/email_body
cat ${network_stats_dir}/network_data >> ${network_stats_dir}/email_body
cat ${network_stats_dir}/email_body | mailx -r "from@domain.com" -s "${email_subject}" to@domain.com
# email_subject="GOOD | ${cluster_name} | Network Stats | $(date +%m:%d:%Y:%H:%M)"
# echo "No network packet errors/drops/frame observed." >> ${network_stats_dir}/email_body
Another simpler script
pssh -h /root/administration/hosts/server_list -i 'hostname;ifconfig | head -5 | grep RX' | grep -v SUCCESS | awk -F" " '{if($1 ~ "domain") x=$1;if($3 ~ "errors") print x":"$2":"$3":"$4":"$6}' | sort -t : -k 1,1 > /root/monitoring_script/network_data_new
awk -F":" 'NR==FNR {h[$1] = $3;g[$1] = $7;next} {print $1":"$2":"h[$1]":"$3":"$6":"g[$1]":"$7}' /root/monitoring_script/network_data_previous /root/monitoring_script/network_data_new | awk -F":" '{ $8 = $4 - $3; $9 = $7 - $6 } {print $1":"$2":"$8":"$5":"$9}' > /root/monitoring_script/network_data
mv /root/monitoring_script/network_data_new /root/monitoring_script/network_data_previous
mailx -a /root/monitoring_script/network_data -s network_stats_$(date +%H:%M:%S-%d%h%y) to@domain.com < /dev/null
Schedule it like below in crontab
0 */3 * * * /root/administration/scripts/capture_network_stats.sh "Cluster name"
0 * * * * /root/monitoring_script/network_monitor.sh > /dev/null